Party At The World’s End : James Curcio


Party At The World’s End : James Curcio

Party At The World's End : James Curcio

Party At The World’s End

Take a mad ride past the event horizon of sanity with the band Babylon, in the final days of the American Empire. First in the must-read occult, myth and fairy-tale laced urban fantasy series, the Fallen Cycle.

“Beautiful!” David Mack, renowned sequential artist of Kabuki, Daredevil, Dexter.
“Brutal, darkly funny, and, above all, honest.” Powell’s Books ‘Short List’.
“A progressive fictional universe created by a wickedly talented scribe… Philip K Dick might have company someday…” Brooke Burgess, the Creator of award-winning flash animated graphic novel Broken Saints.
“A stick of dynamite strapped to reality.” Scenery Zine, on the musical accompaniment.
“The Invisibles meets Fight Club. A counterculture must read.” Underground Reviews.



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