Red Sky Morning : Greg Marion


Red Sky Morning : Greg Marion

Red Sky Morning Red Sky Morning : Greg Marion

Red Sky Morning

Whether the world is ready or not, a new breed of secret agent has begun operating in the shadows.

It’s the year 2032, and Mike Brennan finds his life in a seemingly downward spiral. Having lost almost everything, including his confidence, he is ready to give up his once successful career as an industrial spy. Before he has the chance to write himself off, Brennan unexpectedly finds himself assigned as a special agent to the President and is given the opportunity to change to course of America’s future—and his own.

Before long, Brennan becomes tangled in a web of danger and conspiracy as the body count begins. He and his two friends attempt to disappear into the deceptively tranquil setting of Maui, Hawaii.

Nonetheless, their enemy is relentless and determined to find and eliminate them. In the midst of this, he finds himself falling hard for the young and attractive Raquel Richards, who helps him to put aside his heartache and see beyond his previous failures. Before he can save his mission and his friends, Mike realizes he must first save himself. Through his growing love for Raquel, he is able to set his sights on a new destiny.

A visceral glimpse into the future of terrorism, espionage, and deceit, the novel is at once a twisting spy thriller and a compelling tale of one man’s choices involving love, friendship, and responsibility – and the repercussions that ultimately follow.

Written in the author’s distinctive style and narrated through Mike Brennan’s imitable voice, Red Sky Morning blends romance, action, and suspense along with a good dose of humor into a story which presents the reader with America’s newest and most potent spy: The President’s Agent.

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