Don’t Lick That! : Erika Watts
Don’t Lick That! [A Dorky Mom’s Tales of Parenting and Other Crap]
There are three things every parent needs to survive parenthood: patience, more patience, and a poker face. Disciplining the kids is one of the toughest jobs a parent has. Having children that make you chuckle when you should be scolding them makes that job nearly impossible.
Erika Watts, the creator of the blog Dorky Mom Doodles, brings you a glimpse inside life with her family, and keeping a straight face in her household doesn’t happen often. Watts illustrates her tales with doodles her husband calls “adorably bad,” so stories about pancakes that look like rabid reindeer aren’t left to your imagination.
In addition to stories about the family, you’ll also find some parenting insights that are packed with a strong dose of sarcasm and self-deprecation. Don’t Lick That! is a must-read for parents and others who have cared for children, and it gives the uninitiated a glimpse into the world of parenting.
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