Daniel Scratch: A Story of Witchkind : Don Jones


Daniel Scratch: A Story of Witchkind : Don Jones

Daniel Scratch: A Story of Witchkind : Don JonesThirteen-year-old Daniel Scratch has been living alone for years since his parents passed, cared for by his home’s tiny, elf-like brownies and his somehow-still-living great-great-grandmother. But when Grandmother sends him to the village to be Tested, his life turns upside down.

He’s abandoned on a craggy isle, home to the Tower of Endings, and discovers he’s to be the next adherent to the Sixth Axis, one of the most powerful magical forces in the world. He lives in the Tower for years, learning all the basic magics of witchkind along with the great Seven Forms of his Axis.

Along the way, Daniel learns more than he ever thought possible about his people and their society, and their relationships with the far more-numerous humans of the world.

His education culminates with an irreversible Choice, thrusting him into a mystery whose resolution will save all of humanity and witchkind – or doom them all to chaos and oblivion.

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