Cutting the Soul : Theresa Larsen
Cutting the Soul: A journey into the mental illness of a teenager through the eyes of his mother
Theresa Larsen’s son, Matthew, comes to her with a cut on his hand, explaining it away as an accident with a pocket knife. But as she cleans and treats the wound, she discovers dozens of slashes covering both of his arms. Thus begins Larsen’s compelling personal memoir about what it’s like to be the parent of a mentally ill teenager.
“Cutting the Soul” offers a firsthand look at mental illness, both financially and emotionally. Matthew, fourteen years old when he starts cutting, goes on to face other hardships, including suicide attempts, severe depression, and multiple stays in psychiatric hospitals.
Readers get an inside look at Matthew’s life through the inclusion of his selected journal entries, and Larsen shares her own struggles of pain, fear, and helplessness as she tries to save her son. “Cutting the Soul” is an inspiration for anyone traveling a similar challenging journey. At its heart, it is a story of recovery for it shows that recovery is possible even when it appears all hope is lost.
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