Joseph and the Seven Swords : Faisal AlOthainah
When the red moon rises, a prophecy is born… Joseph is a simple village boy with a mysterious past. Taken from his birth mother under the hue of a blood…
Dangerous Encounters : Walter Cannara
Donna Olsen was living a dream life. She was an attractive, confident woman with a touch of arrogance that fit perfectly with her personality, but not enough to be detected….
The Reason for Time : Deborah Court
Maggie Dunn, Alison Budge and Wolfe Corbyn arrive in Toronto on the same flight from London. Sullen but feisty Alison is running from her troubled past in Scotland, hoping to…
Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts : Gareth Lush
Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts tells the story of Heracles Olympus: a gifted warrior with a past that haunts him, fuelling him with a secret thirst for revenge and cursing him…
Xonarye : S.H.S
Set in modern times, the story follows Leaf Brodie, a young apprentice builder who discovers an old book in a wall of a house he is working on. The book…
The Custard Effect : Monique Taylor (chasingthejoy)
The Custard Effect is a story of resilience amidst life’s little difficulties. Featuring Winsome, a mouse, and Custard, a cat, two unlikely friends, who must learn to see each other’s…
Magenta Nation: A Path to Healing Ourselves and Our Nation : Joy Scott
If you are concerned, frustrated, or even frightened about our country today, this is the book to give you hope, insight, and a roadmap to make positive change. Throughout history,…
Demystifying Enlightenment: Messages, Signs, and Predictions From The Spiritual World : Dennis Macy
Do you long to know how your loved ones are doing in Heaven? Are you curious about the afterlife? Do you miss your late family members and yearn to ask…
The ABCs of Global Warming: What Everyone Should Know About the Science, the Dangers, and the Solutions : Charles Siegel
The most concise, most readable, and most complete book about the climate emergency. This book is the quickest, easiest way to learn everything you need to know about global warming….
The Dryad and the Demon Lord : Fern Bailey
A dryad on the run, and a demon who may be far more dangerous than what she’s escaped from. A gentle dryad who is searching for safety and a place…