Assaie’s Gift : D E Howard

Assaie's Gift

Assaie’s Gift : D E Howard

Assaie's Gift : D E HowardAssaie’s Gift

Human love can last a lifetime, the love of a Goddess is eternal.

“A pantheonic love story with several twists on the theme, I can highly recommend this first novel by this author”
“Amazing book from start to end”
“I shall be recommending it to my friends”

There was a time when the Gods and Goddesses watched over the world, a time when they were worshipped and loved, but that time has passed.

Their names became legends, those legends became myths and eventually even the myths were forgotten… but not by everyone.
When the Goddess Assaie fell for a human she gave up everything, including her identity, to be with him, sacrificing everything she ever knew in the name of true love.

When Kia Deering turned eighteen her ordinary life was changed forever as she learned of the existence of the Goddess and even more so when she met a rather intriguing young man who she couldn’t wait to see again.

Events from the past come together, in this fantastical romance, to change the present and nothing will ever be the same again, for any of them.

Read  D E Howard’s début novel Assaie’s Gift and follow a love that began in a time long passed.

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