Arrive by Dusk : Gabrielle F. Culmer

Arrive by Dusk

Arrive by Dusk : Gabrielle F. Culmer

Arrive by Dusk : Gabrielle F. CulmerArrive by Dusk

Mindy Croixe is a widow at thirty-four and a highly respected artist whose landscape and aquatic scenes depict imagery from New York to France where she has lived with her late husband, Lamont, an aristocrat from Europe, and cherishes fond memories.

She is participating in a new art show in Saint-Tropez when she becomes reacquainted with her friend Blaine, who is also on business in the area.  He is, like her, a long way from the tiny village of Crystal Shores where they first met.

Blaine is opening a luxury hotel overlooking the sea which is the latest of his international resorts and yet he yearns for stability in his personal life.

Mindy is conflicted and still reflects on her previous life. It is a story about ambition and emotions as their journey continues across two continents.

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