A Practical Guide to a Successful Relationship & Marriage : Maimbolwa Muliwana


A Practical Guide to a Successful Relationship & Marriage : Maimbolwa Muliwana

A Practical Guide to a Successful Relationship & Marriage : Maimbolwa Muliwana1. GLOBAL RELATIONSHIPS & MARRIAGE CRISES – WHY THIS BOOK?

Most marriages today have become war rooms, prisons, or torture chambers full of violence, selfishness, greediness, lies and unfaithfulness instead of being places of paradise that should inspire many. If you want to see sad people, simply check most married couples. This is because many people – even married ones – do not know the meaning and purpose of marriage.

Marriages have been turned into dream-killers.

Many have their hearts broken and abused in relationships and marriages so that they become gripped by doubt and uncertainties and the fear of being in any relationship or marriage again.

Many marriages start well but due to various reasons and factors end up being eroded in communication, intimacy, passion, commitment, respect and strength. Some may not break down entirely, yet they are like prisons and torture chambers. Some, however, end up in divorce leading to many broken families, and children left with little or no social protection in family structures. Failed marriages are not only those marriages that end up in divorce but include those still together although with poor marriage principles.

Many want to start a relationship, marry or get married but do not know what it takes to make such a bold step.
While for a long time, we have seen majority of those already in Marriage failing to sustain the noble institution despite making marriage vows and having marriage certificates.

Talk about many relationships and marriages? Oh yea, they are sinking.

Many couples have challenges in freely and fully expressing their love to each other due to various barriers that are unaddressed.

What is the purpose of marriage which has unexpressed love?


This book reveals neglected, hidden and unknown truths that shall increase the potential for success in relationships and marriages. The reader shall learn what marriage is, its purpose and proper reasons for marriage, marriage roles and responsibilities, formulating an effective and appropriate marriage job description as well as an marriage agreement/ covenant, how to strengthen the marriage bond, how to be one and also journey as one, expressing the most appropriate love language that is understood by both spouses, as well as practical partner selection.

The reader shall also learn the most effective ways of communicating (mind to mind and heart to heart), thereby enhancing understanding of each other. The reader will become an expert at developing marriage job descriptions by considering a spouse’s realistic expectations and also the standard marriage roles and responsibilities. Every marriage is supposed to have a goal, vision, marriage job description and a marriage covenant/agreement.

The reader shall also learn simple key formulae to resolve diverse kinds of issues and challenges that may be faced in the marriage journey and effective conflicts resolution. This book shall promote and enhance an understanding of marriage, its purpose, marriage roles, love language and personalities, thereby enhancing unity leading to happy and united families, healthy home environments, highly productive families, healthy relationships/ marriages and socially, emotionally healthy children and couples.

The purpose of this book is to equip persons in, and intending to be in, relationships and marriages to have success. The readers shall be equipped with proven knowledge and skills most of which may seem to be new yet are true. The first step to failure is entering into marriage without understanding what it is and the associated marriage roles and responsibilities. Many rush to enter into marriage for sex (intimacy), yet are not really ready to accept and be committed to the required roles and responsibilities.

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