A Call to Intercession: Praying for Others, The Time is Now : Arnester White
The book exposes biblical examples of intercessors including the greatest intercessor of all times who walked the earth.
It expresses the importance of intimacy when seeking God’s face during prayer.
It offers knowledge regarding spiritual warfare; when to pray, and the importance of personal holiness as an intercessor and those who have the heart to pray for others. You will receive a revelation of ways to obtain answers to prayers, the relationship between fasting and praying, knowledge in relation to your role as an intercessor, as well as the characteristics of an intercessor.
Other purposes of the book are to provide a wakeup call for Christians to realize the importance of identifying their relationship with God relative to their prayer life. Impartation and understanding of the significance of praying without ceasing for one another.
Awareness of the urgency to seek out and become aware of your calling especially if you are called to be an intercessor, a prayer warrior, or assigned to pray for others. An invitation to join our intercessors’ crusade organization.
I believe everyone who prays purpose is to receive answered prayers. This book exposes ways this may be accomplished!
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