I Wonder, I Wonder, What’s On This Side of My “Super” Adventurous Purple Train Ride : Valerie Christopher

I Wonder, I Wonder

I Wonder, I Wonder, What’s On This Side of My “Super” Adventurous Purple Train Ride : Valerie Christopher

What's On This Side of My "Super" Adventurous Purple Train RideI Wonder, I Wonder, What’s On This Side of My “Super” Adventurous Purple Train Ride

After Corey brushes his teeth, dresses, and enjoys his breakfast, he boards the Purple Train with his ticket in his hand.

From the sounds of busy streets and people engaged in exciting activities, to the peace and tranquility of nature and life in the country, Corey experiences an unforgettable rolling adventure where all of his expectations are far exceeded beyond what he could have imagined.

In this wonderfully colorful and delightful tale, a little boy takes a spectacular ride from the city to the country and back on a big and beautiful, super fantastic Purple Train.


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