After The Sucker Punch : Lorraine Devon Wilke

After The Sucker Punch

After The Sucker Punch : Lorraine Devon Wilke

After The Sucker Punch : Lorraine Devon WilkeAfter The Sucker Punch

They buried her father at noon, at five she found his journals, and in the time it took to read one-and-a-half pages her world turned upside down…he thought she was a failure.

For Tessa Curzio – thirty-six, emerging writer, ex-rocker, lapsed Catholic, defected Scientologist, and fourth in a family of eight complicated people – the one-two punch of her father’s death and posthumous indictment proves an existential knockout, leading to a wild ride of discovery and reinvention.

AFTER THE SUCKER PUNCH takes an irreverent look at family, faith, creativity and love in a story wrapped in contemporary culture but with a very classic heart.




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