Spare Time : Michael Murphy

Spare Time

Spare Time : Michael Murphy

Spare Time : Michael MurphySpare Time

I am passionate about our nation and its current state.

My desire in writing a novel in this way was to use the things that helped make this a great nation in the first place to help us return to the founding principles. We the people have given up liberty in exchange for security, do we deserve either? I strive in this novel to show Libertarian and Conservative values as I see them and how they can fill our needs without the oppressive hand of government on our necks … yet will the loss of power by some make them take steps to stop it all? What if someone tried to kill you for helping others, would you continue?

I believe all good stories, whether humorous or serious, have an element of truth. Using fictional characters involved in fictional events, while operating in a real world with real history helps make the story come alive … in some cases leaving the reader to wonder where reality ends and fantasy begins. People have contacted me and asked if certain events were true. They were not, but this gave me a good sense that I had accomplished my goal.

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