Paper Tiger : Chloe Akemi

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Paper Tiger : Chloe Akemi

Paper Tiger : Chloe AkemiPaper Tiger

Normal, A word we all use to define everyone’s life. We all seem to think that our peers have a normal life as we grow older. We all seem to think that none of the terrible things that happen in everyday news actually happens to anyone we see or talk to.

Clementine has a different story. A story of strong hope, yet there’s a sadness that surrounds it. There’s a sadness that she’s confused by because she’s never had anything terrible happen to her. But she forgets that long ago memory that still taunts at her.

Throughout her entire life, she questions whether or not this tragic experience has made her into what she is. She even goes as far as if she deserves to live. If anyone else felt the way she did, would they think death would be the answer too?




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