Wheels Galore! Adaptive Cars, Wheelchairs, and a Vibrant Daily Life with Cerebral Palsy : Iain M. MacLeod


Wheels Galore! Adaptive Cars, Wheelchairs, and a Vibrant Daily Life with Cerebral Palsy : Iain M. MacLeod

Wheels Galore! : Iain M. MacLeodThrough wit, wisdom, great storytelling and lived experience, author Iain MacLeod draws the reader into his vibrant life from childhood to the present, a life not defined by Cerebral Palsy, which he has had since the age of three.

Racing from one adventure to the next on wheels galore, from his tricycle as a small child to his first wheelchair and his first car and many more adapted cars after that, he has had many exciting adventures.

Iain has travelled throughout his native Scotland, as well as to America and Europe, all with the desire to go as fast as possible and accomplish everything he can.

10 Seconds That Changed My Life by Iain M. MacLeod is also on Whizbuzz Books.




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