Up to You: Thailand & The Naughty Nightlife of Pattaya : Doctor Hoi and Go-Go Gonzo


Up to You: Thailand & The Naughty Nightlife of Pattaya : Doctor Hoi and Go-Go Gonzo

Up to You : Doctor Hoi and Go-Go GonzoDoctor Hoi and Go-Go Gonzo will be the first to admit that they don’t know everything about Thailand and its culture, but they do know about its nightlife.

After years of venturing to the country, Pattaya in particular, to enjoy their little slice of Paradise, the two have realised something pretty monumental: when they’re there, they’re exactly who they want to be. In an attempt to both inform and entertain, the two authors have teamed up to recall their own experiences in Up to You: Thailand and the Naughty Nightlife of Pattaya, providing a unique and fascinating insight into the intriguing world and alluring naughty side of Thailand.

Through an honest, humorous and compelling compendium of real-life stories, experiences, anecdotes and advice accumulated from their many years of exploring this wonderful, bewildering, mesmerising and often fascinating phenomenon, this book serves as an indispensable guide to the person seeking to explore and experience the delights and trappings of – what appears to be on the surface – an adult playground utopia.

It’s a tragedy that this place (perhaps understandably) is barely mentioned in any mainstream guidebooks, but Hoi and Gonzo are trying to remedy that, all the while fondly recalling some of their wildest experiences and dispelling common myths and misconceptions associated with the sex industry in Thailand.

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