Through the Valley of the Shadow of Cancer: A Roadmap to Hope : Beverly Bradley


Through the Valley of the Shadow of Cancer: A Roadmap to Hope : Beverly Bradley

Through the Valley of the Shadow of Cancer : Beverly BradleyThis book is a roadmap for navigating the unchartered territory after a cancer diagnosis. The author was diagnosed de novo with stage 4, triple-negative breast cancer in 2017.

A few articles concern her own personal experience, but most are educational on all subjects tangent to cancer. For example, there are a series of articles on how to advocate for yourself instead of letting medical providers dictate all the decisions. Other topics deal with how to mentor a cancer patient and what to consider when being a caregiver for one.

The author calls herself a “cancer thriver” and explains how to go from survivor to thriver. Other topics include recent research in nutrition, how to thrive with exercise, and how to thrive in spirit. All medical facts are extensively researched and include footnotes plus a bibliography.

So many decisions are required upon being diagnosed with cancer that one needs to be armed with facts to make the best choices. To learn how someone else managed their care is helpful and offers insights to what possible courses of action are available.

Cancer is life-changing and this book deals with some ways to cope. It covers diverse topics such as “How to Talk to a Cancer Patient,” “How to Let Food be Medicine,” and “How to Handle Chemo-Fog.” There is room to answer reflection questions after each topic.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, you will first enjoy this book; then realize you need this book.

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