The Whistleblower : Shenandoah Titus
In this groundbreaking book written by one of the nation’s foremost authorities on workplace bullying, harassment, and retaliation, Attorney Shenandoah Titus shares unparalleled insights and subject-matter expertise.
This book is written for you! If you or a loved one have ever been, or have concerns about, being bullied, harassed, or retaliated against at work – whether the public or private sector – then you will benefit from reading this book! If you have friends or colleagues who have experienced workplace abuse – whether a whistleblower in the traditional sense or not – give them the opportunity to experience this book.
Sadly, harassment, bullying, and retaliation also occur within the school setting, including higher education. Therefore, if you are a parent of a student, or have any affiliation with educational institutions, you will benefit from this book.
The more enlightened you are about bullying, harassment and retaliation – as a parent, teacher, student, administrator, faculty member, government or private sector employee (including senior management), the better prepared you will be to render help when called upon.
Unlike books written “about” whistleblowing, often derived from studies or interviews with whistleblowers, The Whistleblower: Defeating Bullies, Harassers & Management Gang Retaliation, is unique in that this is one of the rare books written BY a whistleblower.
In this book, Attorney Titus shares his experience as the first-ever Anti-Harassment Program Manager for the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), from which he resigned on April 13, 2018, prior to settling his whistleblower retaliation action against DHS on July 27, 2018.
This is not an autobiography, nor is this an angry, ranting “tell-all” book to be sensationalized by the media. Rather, this book is about truth and transparency.
Behind its shiny public relations image – bullying, harassment, and management retaliation were allowed to occur at DHS without meaningful accountability. Attorney Titus boldly confronted the system and prevailed.
This book is also about offering a few pearls of wisdom – and hope – to whistleblowers and survivors of workplace bullying and harassment across the country, and indeed the world – both in the public and private sector. Hope is a powerful ally, without which there can be no substantive change.
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