The Catholic Jesus : Fr Thomas Plant
Knowing Christ Through the Church He Founded
“The Catholic Jesus is superb. Fr Tom clearly shows the relationship of Church and Scripture not simply as a chronological priority but as determining our interpretative method now. This is an excellent curriculum of the Christian faith.” – Fr Richard Peers SMMS, Liverpool Diocese Director of Education
“The Catholic Jesus is an excellent short study of the Christian tradition through the lens of the early Church. In this engaging work, Father Thomas Plant gives his readers the keys to understanding the fundamental mysteries of the Church. Unreservedly recommended” – Rev John Paraskevopoulos, Buddhist Hongwanji Mission to Australia
Mary gave birth to a boy, not a book. Jesus never wrote a word, because he was God’s Word. It is only through the Church which Jesus founded that God breathed the words of the Bible, and so it is only through the Church that we can really come to learn who Jesus is.
• Are you a new Christian seeking to understand the Church’s teachings about Jesus?
• Do your friends try to persuade you that Jesus was just a good man, misunderstood and elevated by the Church for the sake of its own power?
• Do you want to help “Bible-believing” Christians to understand the importance of the tradition of the Church which Jesus founded?
• Are you a church leader looking to run a Lent course or study group on the relationship of Jesus, the Church and the Bible?
• Looking for a gift to give to a newly baptized or confirmed Christian?
A priest and a doctor of Cambridge University, Fr Thomas Plant summarises the recent work of respected biblical scholars in a short and readable form, to help Christians understand and defend the authentic tradition of Jesus which the Church has faithfully guarded and proclaimed through the centuries.
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