Strangers in the Storm: Love and Survival on Mount Rainier : Jared Rund and Diane McKenney
When strangers Jared Rund and Diane McKenney met on Mount Rainier in Washington state, neither of them knew where the next few days on one of the most dangerous peaks in North America would lead them. On the expedition thrown together by mutual friends, Jared and Diane were along for the journey to the highest point in the state of Washington and the Pacific Northwest. Both single and in their early twenties, Diane a graduate student studying Physical Therapy in Spokane, Washington and Jared a young Air Force officer assigned to his first post in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Through a series of unforeseen events, caught in a blizzard and detached from the rest of their party, the two become lost on their descent. As they attempt to escape the mountain’s fury, their heart-pounding, hair-raising struggle to survive and get back to base camp before darkness appears promising. As they navigate deadly crevasses, high winds, severe cold, fog, and sheer rock faces the dream of finding base camp doesn’t come true. Jared and Diane are forced to spend a bewildering and frightening night high on the 14,411-foot peak without proper equipment or communications and nothing to save them except their own determination and willpower.
As their rescue mission is put together, park rangers prepared the rest of the expedition party for the worst; they had seen Rainier climbers die in storms much less severe than the storm outside hammering their friends. Facing what appeared to be the end of their lives together as complete strangers, Jared and Diane create a bond unlike any other imaginable.
But sometimes it is the toughest of times that lead to the best. And for Jared and Diane, if a mountain blizzard couldn’t stop them then nothing would. Read this amazing story of survival against the odds, and of a love that couldn’t be overcome by a deadly storm or the thousand miles that would later separate them.
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