Spiritual PPE’S for Surviving a Pandemic : Wellington A. Johnson Sr.
Rev. Johnson explores the dynamics of Covid-19 from a spiritual perspective. As unsettling as it may seem, life will not return to what we call normalcy after Covid-19. The issue then is how do we survive this pandemic? It is the contention of this author that we can begin from within. This is done through the ingestion of elements that will strengthen our faith and reinforce our resolve to “make it through!”
We are being told by social prognosticators that life is heading towards a “new normal.” This book suggests that we need to recognize the “God Normal.”
In the spiritual realm, there is a need for us to have spiritual PPEs in order to maintain our sanity and sustain our survival.
All of us need our Personal Praying Environments (PPEs) in order to spiritually survive amid the challenging circumstances which Covid-19 has brought upon us.
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