Snowchute : NH Bruce


Snowchute : NH Bruce

Snowchute : NH BruceLondon biographer, Harry Holden, has never found love. As a book clerk writing biographies of famous naval officers, his sporadic quests for love are epic failures. But now he confronts the mysteries of romance when stranded in a remote Colorado ski town, working on the biography of Columbian pop star, Ricki Heart.

Ricki’s natural magnetism and insatiable love of women lands him in hot water, and poor Harry attempts to unravel the tangles of love gone awry with a man too chivalrous for his own good. After surviving avalanches, overzealous resort workers, and paparazzi, surely he can navigate a simple case of love at first sight.

Will Harry rescue his employer from the prison of fame, or will he fall victim to the drama permeating the mountain town of Snowchute?



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