Finding Your Bliss : Sarah O’Flaherty
Finding Your Bliss
Need to Make Some Life Changes and Don’t Know Where to Start?
This book starts off with a warning:
In a new book called Finding Your Bliss by author Sarah O’Flaherty you’ll find yourself on a journey of discovery that moves you toward a more meaningful life. When you’re living a life of meaning your energy levels are high, your feelings are richer, and life flows naturally. Living a life of meaning comes from living the life that is right for you and only you.
In a world where people are expected and trained to conform, where busyness has become an epidemic, and stress levels are out of control it is easy to feel stuck, confused, and disempowered. And yet, there is a way out of the rat-race rut and back into a life of meaning. This book shows you how to get there.
Initial readers have been incredibly enthusiastic, “I’ve just finished reading “Finding Your Bliss” and would like to tell you that even though I’ve been reading “self-help”, pop psychology books for….feels like my whole life (starting with Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain back in the 80’s) I’ve thoroughly enjoyed and gained insight from this delightful epistle. It was so refreshing to read her simple advice that can easily be assimilated in to your day without adding the pressure of “more”. On the contrary it has helped to slow me down with its underlying theme of mindfulness and helped to clarify my values and strengths. I would recommend this book to anyone – young, old and in-between as a delightful reminder of the importance of bringing some magic into your life. Oh and I urge you to get a copy of the “12 steps to self-care” and stick it somewhere that you will see it throughout the day!” Judy Waugh, Business Owner.
Finding your bliss and living a passionate life is a real possiblity for everyone and this is the book to get you started.
In this interactive workbook your will learn:
• How to identify your values, strengths, and passions.
• Whether you have a healthy connection with others.
• How to find your purpose or calling.
• The key essentials to living a meaningful life.
Sarah O’Flaherty worked in the advertising industry for 20 years before becoming a writer. Finding Your Bliss was written while traveling around Asia and in it you will find hints of Buddhist Monastaries, the high peaks of Nepal, and secluded island beaches in Thailand. She now teaches meditation and mindfulness, and is studying to become a Clinical Psychologist.