Noobie Habits : K.L. Russell
Taffy Tongues, Curfew Curses, Sadie Fawkes, Hallow Eve, and more are about to begin for first years.
Saint Raphael’s school is NOT so traditional. First-years, or Noobies, begin their first class… Scavenger Hunting. They must solve clues to find their next class. Other-world children attend by invitation only and Mother Nicodemus, headmistress, has rules. “Break the rules, pay with drool… No cursing, swearing, lying, cheating, stealing, gossiping, or breaking curfew” are but a few to obey. There are consequences for those who refuse to follow rules. Join those first years and learn Noobie Habits.
Enter this captivating world and enjoy the Island and her inhabitants. You’ll be protected with the help of The Lineman and The Cook.
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