At Her Beck and Call : Mistress Benay

At Her Beck and Call

At Her Beck and Call : Mistress Benay

At Her Beck and Call : Mistress BenayAt Her Beck and Call

Mistress Benay is a Dominatrix from Colorado who decided to write a journal about her work in Female Domination and Male Servitude. In this her first book, she details how she decided to search for a man, outside of her professional practice who she could groom as her personal slave.

Her journal documents how she found a man via the internet and the steps she took to convert him into first her slave, then her soul mate, and eventually her husband. Her easy to read pictorial journal is a great “how to” for women who want to take control of their relationships and become either the “Mistress of their Marriage” or the Dominant Partner in a Relationship.

The big bonus you receive in this book is that Mistress Benay has included many actual pictures documenting the journey of bringing her new found love to the eventual goal of being her slave for life.

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