Lyrical Bondage : Pauline Hightower

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Lyrical Bondage : Pauline Hightower

Lyrical Bondage : Pauline HightowerIf you are looking for the next great and exciting book to read or discuss with your book club members you have found it. Lyrical Bondage is a creative body of work that will leave you on the edge of your seat gasping for air. You will find yourself inside the book fantasizing as you explore the spicy flirtatious content.

Each word is painted with visuals designed to awaken hidden emotions and to intentionally draw you in. This book will make you feel emotions long forgotten. Lyrical Bondage is an erotic book of poetry steaming with sensuality, seduction, and temptation.

The pages are saturated with lyrics that will evoke true emotions like love, hurt and desire. Lyrical Bondage is a stimulating and intense prose that will allow you to drift into a passionate escape. Dare to be enticed.



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