Through A Mother’s Eyes : June White

Through A Mothers Eyes

Through A Mother’s Eyes : June White

Through A Mother's Eyes : June WhiteThrough A Mother’s Eyes, The Dana White Story

June was a single, teenage mom who against all odds raises her only son to be a rich and powerful man. She worked hard to give him a better life and Dana becomes President and part owner of a multi-billion dollar, international empire. He becomes known worldwide and his fans treat him like a rock star every where he goes.

Dana works around the clock for a number of years turning a bankrupt business into a money making juggernaut and making himself a multi-millionaire before the age of forty. He becomes ruthless in his business dealings and wipes out any and all competition that come along.

June watches as this ruthlessness spills over into his personal life. How family, friends and faith take a back seat to money, power and possessions. We see how an ordinary man turns as money becomes his friend, and replaces faith and family and the heart break it leaves.

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