Goodbye Junie Moon : June Collins
Goodbye Junie Moon
This memoir has been described as ‘wild and riveting’. It is not the usual family history type memoir but a page turner of corruption, sex and adventure.
The story alternates between the innocent, growing up years of the author in Australia and the harrowing years during the Vietnam War. For three and a half years she remained in Vietnam at the height of the war. Initially, she entertained the troops herself, first as a magicians assistant then as a solo dancer. Eventually she hired Philippine entertainment groups and scheduled them into the camps.
There was plenty of romance and adventure until corruption and heartbreak over the deaths of so many young men finally stopped the music. Junie Moon followed her conscience, sacrificing everything she had worked for to become a whistleblower and set things straight. Her life was placed in danger from the corrupt military army clubs she had been dealing with. When all looked lost, fate stepped in with a surprise ending.
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