Journey Through the Soul : Allie Marie

Journey Through the Soul To Find A New Beginning 1

Journey Through the Soul : Allie Marie

Journey Through the Soul : Allie MarieIt is often a difficult road that one finds oneself in after experiencing the abuses of the world. All too often we find ourselves in a deep ocean, the waves thrashing us about, from here to there. We feel as if we are drowning, desperately searching for a way out of the darkened night in a too big ocean that we cannot see our way through clearly. All hope is not lost however, because just when you think you are about to give up, you find a new journey, through the soul, that leads you to a new beginning.

Journey Through the Soul is a story of overcoming trauma, both from relationships and in childhood, and learning to stand in your power. It is a powerful story of life for a child who was unwanted by her mother, abandoned by her father, and abused by men who claimed to love her. The night was dark and black with no light to see, the journey was long and lonely with few for comfort. In the end, the journey was worth it.

Go on this journey with me and together we can discover new ways of healing, overcoming, raising the vibration, and bringing back the power that is rightfully ours.

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