Twice Bitten : Jens Kuhn and Derek Haines
Twice Bitten
Twice Bitten by Derek Haines and Jens Kuhn, featuring Escape in Venice and My Takeaway Vampire.
Antonia and Agatha have been around for over 300 years and each have their own unique ways of dealing with their immortality.
From the romantic canal-ways of the Venice of the 18th century, to the modern, industrialised wasteland of a small forgotten town, follow their stories to discover that you can’t always believe everything you thought you knew about vampires.
The prequel to The Gripsholm Mystery is now released. The novella, Escape in Venice by Jens Kuhn, is set 150 years earlier and puts Antonia in beautiful and salacious 18th century Venice.
“Antonia shivered. It was getting cold and dark, perhaps this wasn’t the best idea. After all, she was still starving. Suddenly, she made a decision. Turning around, she put her hand onto the gondolero’s bare arm and dropped her shields.”
The second novella in Twice Bitten is Derek’s Haines’ My Takeaway Vampire, featuring Agatha, a vampire that has many things in common with Antonia, yet lives in a different time and faces different challenges.
“Agatha now waited patiently – whiling away her time – but sensing her deepening hunger. ‘Young blood’, she mouthed silently to herself as she felt the twinges of her anxious fangs.”
Book Links
Jens Kuhn
Derek Haines
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