The House on Persimmon Road : Jackie Weger


The House on Persimmon Road : Jackie Weger

The House on Persimmon Road : Jackie WegerThe House on Persimmon Road

Need Help? Hire a Ghost! She Cooks. Lottie Roberts has been sitting on her bones since the Civil War, waiting for her ticket to heaven until… Justine Hale and her family take up residence in Lottie’s two-hundred-year-old plantation house.

Lottie senses in Justine a kindred spirit–filled with heartache and in reduced circumstances–which Lottie considers mirrors her own situation exactly. Yet Justine is trying to do the right thing. Else why is she burdened with a bankrupt mother without an ounce of common sense? Or an ex mother-in-law who looks like a pickled beet with a tongue sharper than a hatchet? And two young children?

Justine needs help and Lottie is of a mind to provide it. But before Lottie can say squat and Justine even unlocks the front door, Tucker Highsmith shows up to steal her thunder. His dark eyes, lazy grin, and sexy Alabama drawl coupled with the dern braggart’s Mr. Fix-it talents might be the answer to all of Justine’s problems. Or, maybe not

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