I Was A Scapegoat Child : JS Evans

I Was A Scapegoat Child

I Was A Scapegoat Child : JS Evans

I Was A Scapegoat Child : JS Evans

This is a story of a kindhearted and very forgiving girl who was born and raised in the Philippines. She writes a touching account of her hardships at the hands of both family and friends. At a young age, she knew that something was wrong, and she was not treated like others. Little did she realize that the family she thought she could trust and would not take advantage of her would be the ones who were the biggest offenders and that faith would play a larger role than she could have imagined. She overcame betrayal, cheating, abuse, homelessness, and a host of other hardships and managed to survive despite the odds. It is the author’s true story of survival and overcoming the odds; she relied on her faith to get through when it seemed all was lost and hopeless, fighting for her children and a life she believes she deserves. This is a must-read for anyone who has experienced abuse and betrayal at the hands of family.

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