Fool Me Twice : Jules Hannaford
Fool Me Twice
From her carefree early life on a farm in rural South Australia to a marriage that was broken even before it began, then living as a struggling single mother and navigating a string of bad romances – this is the story of a woman whose lessons in life – and love – have been learned the hard way.
Jules Hannaford grew up living an idyllic childhood, full of fun and adventures. She went to boarding school and had the time of her life excelling at sport, making new friends and getting in trouble due to her risk taking and mischievous nature.
When single motherhood called for her to step up and take charge, she found her passion in her career as a teacher, yet she struggled to find someone to share her life with. One day, the opportunity came for her to move across the world, she packed her bags, pulled her daughter out of school, and took the risk of leaving her sleepy home city for Asia’s mega city of Hong Kong.
From then on, life was different. Suddenly, she was in a job she loved, and she no longer had to struggle to make ends meet, but there was still one thing missing. Love.
Optimistic, Jules began internet dating, and unwittingly invited in a new kind of trouble into her life. Was it her trusting nature? Her naïveté? Or was it simply her desperate desire to share her life with someone that made her take the risks that almost cost her life?
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