Don’t Go in that Room! : Annette Marie Westwood
A Girlfriend’s Guide To Avoiding Dating and Relationship Hell
If you’ve ever watched a horror film, you’ve, no doubt, found yourself covering your eyes to avoid seeing the disaster about to unfold or shouted at the screen, DON’T GO IN THAT ROOM!”
In the futile attempt to help the character ward off danger. We know all too well what manner of evil lurks inside that rundown shack in the woods. We can see the crazy train coming when someone says, “I’m going to go check out that dark basement.” We joke about how predictably these people get into trouble. The same thing happens in dating and relationships.
But, there is no reason for us to keep falling into the same traps over and over. Don’t Go in that Room! is a humorous relationship guide for women who want a good man (and for men who want to deserve them). In this guide, Annette Marie Westwood, a dating relationship advisor, teaches women how to avoid the creeps and not screw it up with their heroes.
Don’t Go in that Room! will help you recognize what kind of man you have, and, even more important, learn how to stop yourself from ignoring or missing the signs that you’re headed down a treacherous dating path. Annette Marie walks you through dark, scary places and into the light of day where everything will be clearer and more hopeful. She shows you how to deal with the nightmares you may already be in and can’t find your way out of. Then she guides you on how to destroy those evil spirits that threaten to drag you back in.
Your dating life and romantic relationships don’t have to be a nightmare. Let Annette Marie lead you out of the misery of bad choices and toward the joy of finding the man of your dreams.
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