Isabella’s Dilemma : Diana Persaud

Isabella's Dilemma

Isabella’s Dilemma : Diana Persaud

Isabella's Dilemma : Diana PersaudIsabella’s Dilemma

Wolves have many secrets….
Izzy, the first and only female Werewolf Soldier, is a proud member of the Hoyden Pack. When a series of rapes threatens to reveal the existence of Werewolves to humans, Izzy is tasked with finding the Rogue. To protect their secret, Izzy executes the Rogue werewolf, a member of the Clodpoll pack. Enraged, Clodpoll wolves capture her and demand her life, especially Jackson, the Rogue’s younger brother.

Jackson, a Clodpoll Soldier, is focused on one thing: vengeance for his brother’s death. Imagine his surprise when he finds out that his brother’s murderer is his mate. To complicate matters, his mate is a Soldier who refuses to accept his claim.

On a secret mission for her Alpha, Izzy will not be deterred by her newfound mate. More focused on completing the mission than mating, Izzy is determined to refuse Jackson’s advances and fight the mating instinct.

Can Jackson convince his mate to give up her position as a Soldier to be his mate? Will Izzy abandon Jackson to keep her independence and a position she fought hard to accomplish? Can this tough Soldier find a balance between her career and love or will she sacrifice one for the other?

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