Cryptic Spaces Book One: Foresight : Deen Ferrell

Cryptic Spaces Book One: Foresight

Cryptic Spaces Book One: Foresight : Deen Ferrell

Cryptic Spaces Book One: Foresight : Deen FerrellCryptic Spaces Book One: Foresight

Willoughby sees patterns where others don’t. His brilliance in mathematics allows him to uncover puzzles hidden in plain view.

When a carved symbol leads him to the barbershop of Antonio Chavez, he finds himself in a world where nothing is as it seems, where the fabric of time itself is a puzzle to be explored.

With a team of equally brilliant, if odd, companions, headlined by the talented Sydney Senoya, Willoughby uncovers a threat that could change everything. Will his newly emerging skills be enough to help him save his friends and safeguard reality as he knows it?





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