Contraception : Degen Hill
The world’s population has reached catastrophic proportions. From the ashes of countless wars and revolutions rose a new universal policy that would bring out the worst in people so they may bring about a better world. A policy that must succeed.
In the year 2070, when Li Hu, an ethics professor in Beijing, and his wife decide to have a child, he must apply to Contraception – an initiative requiring each applicant to first kill three random people to combat the world’s growing population.
Only, not every country is abiding by the initiative’s requirements.
In his pursuit to have a child, Li submits his name to the Contraception database and in return, must kill three other applicants who are randomly selected from the system. Li discovers his third target is not only someone he knows, but someone who never applied to have a child. This leads them across Europe and Asia on a dangerous search for truth amidst a widespread conspiracy – one intended to quiet those who challenge the world’s most powerful nation. As Li ventures to find evidence that his own country has been using the Contraception initiative to serve its own needs, the threats to his life grow.
Li’s unwavering pursuit for justice brings him face to face with hitmen, hackers, and the United Nations as he hopes to stop the corruption before he too ends up a victim.
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