Anatomy of a Poet : CJ Heck
Anatomy of a Poet
“Poetry can be daunting and hard to understand, but it doesn’t have to be. A poet has an obligation to write so that everyone can understand. Poems should flow through a poet’s words and touch the mind and heart of its reader. If a poem comes from the heart, it will reach other hearts.” ~CJ Heck
Book Introduction:
“Like a rose with many petals sharing its sweet aroma, is how I see and feel about the love of my life, CJ Heck. She is my electric blue-eyed girl. She can be both little girl, or strong woman, whenever and wherever the situation calls for it. She is both sensuous and exciting, and soft and affectionate.
Tragedy struck her life early with the death of her husband in Vietnam. This experience laid open the very core of her heart and soul and opened the channel to a well of compassion and sensitivity deep within. Her pain was the fertilizer that helped her bloom as a writer.
CJ’s poetry is not a surface observation, but a soulful interpretation of the events and people that inspired her. She writes eloquently and simply of things that touch her heart, things she wants to share. She is gifted at painting a picture with words on the heart and imagination of others, thereby communicating not just an image, but a life experience.
I feel honored to have been asked to write this introduction, to share my feelings about CJ Heck. She is the water for my soil, the sunlight for my petals and the nurturer of my growth.
Sit back, open your heart and enjoy the journey through her words, images and emotions. You are blessed by this opportunity to know her in words, as I know her in life.” ~Robert S. Cosmar, (Author of four books)
“I am not a poetry critic, so I cannot compare CJ’s poetry with others, evaluate her mastery of the language use, or classify her to any particular school of poetry. But having read the poems in her preview, I felt something. The messages she conveys are clear and direct. She does not go through mental elaboration and her poetry touches the heart. Reading her poems made me feel nostalgic and longing at the same time — as if nostalgia and expectation are one and the same.” ~Eleftheria Egel
“This is my kind of poetry. Direct, beautifully expressed and without a hint of pretension.” ~Allison Cassidy
“CJ is predominately viewed as a writer of works for children, but CJ now expertly carries over her approach to more adult themes. In doing so, she presents a profound world that is deeply sad, incredibly humorous and at times very intimate.” ~Joseph Daly
“I have known C.J. Heck as a very talented author for well over a year now. Her words are enlightening and charismatic to people of all ages. It has been a privilege and honor knowing her and reading her prolific pen. I highly recommend her work to all.” ~Janet Caldwell (COO Inner Child Press)
“CJ’s writing ability is a testament to talent and passion. Her ability to craft words into emotion and movement is remarkable.” ~Lexy Page (Owner/Freelance Photographer at GA Page Photography)
“CJ is a writer that comes through as a great communicator but you also have a strong feeling of friendship with her and her pen. She touches your heart in special ways. She makes you feel like you have lived her story.” ~James McCraney (Owner, James McCraney Financial, LLC)
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