Noise : Brett Garcia Rose


Noise : Brett Garcia Rose

Noise : Brett Garcia RoseNoise

The world is an ugly place, and I can tell you now, I fit in just fine.

Lily is the only person Leon ever loved. When she left a suicide note and disappeared into a murky lake ten years ago, she left him drifting along.

Or did she?

A grisly trail of clues leads to The Bear, the sadistic Russian crime lord who traffics in human flesh. The police—some corrupt, some compromised—are of little help. They don’t like Leon’s methods, or the mess he leaves behin

Leon is deaf, but no sane person would ever call him disabled. He survived as a child on the merciless streets of Nigeria. He misses nothing. He feels no remorse. The only direction he’s ever known is forward.

He will not stop until he knows.

Where is Lily?

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