The Unearthly Travails of Gabriel McGregor : Brad Ulreich

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The Unearthly Travails of Gabriel McGregor : Brad Ulreich

The Unearthly Travails of Gabriel McGregor : Brad UlreichThe Unearthly Travails of Gabriel McGregor

“The Unearthly Travails of Gabriel McGregor” follows the adventures of eleven-year-old Gabriel McGregor through the underworld.

Having been sent to Hell unfairly, he uses his wits and instinct to make his way up through the realms of the afterlife and back home. Along the way, he’s befriended by a two-headed sheep and hunted relentlessly by a demon intent on trapping him in Hell forever.

“The Unearthly Travails of Gabriel McGregor” is inspired by “Alice in Wonderland”, the Harry Potter books, “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”, “The Phantom Tollbooth”, and “Dante’s Inferno”, among others.

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