Tears At Midnight : A. B. Leake

Tears at Midnight

Tears At Midnight : A. B. Leake

Tears At Midnight : A. B. LeakeTears At Midnight

Libby secretly wants everything she has never had, a real best girlfriend, a boyfriend, and that perfect first kiss just like the characters in the novels she reads. When sent to the small town of Titan, Texas to spend the summer with her father and new stepmother, Libby realizes that here she has that chance, if she is brave enough to try.

To the outside world, Toby Weston has everything. As the quarterback of the high school football team, guys want to be him and girls want to date him. They have no idea how his life has fallen apart, and he wants his old life back. When he meets Libby, he starts to feel like his life is getting back on track.

While Libby and Toby walk hand in hand down the halls of Titan High, someone is watching, planning and plotting revenge. Will they find the strength to fight for what they have together and Libby’s happiness?


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