Dirty : M C Flux


Dirty : M C Flux

Dirty : M C Flux

Dirty: The confessions of a reformed drug addict and soccer hooligan who made it big on the dance scene

 MC Flux tells you how it is (or was) in his book ‘Dirty’.

A journey through some of Britain’s’ turbulent times and culture through the eyes of Carl “MC Flux” Thomas and his crew.

The book invites you to pull up a pint and witness the excitement of being one of the leaders in the birth of the Drum ‘n’ Bass rave scene, one that lives on in our youth’s culture today. But it’s not all raves and banging tunes, the book also takes you through the darker times of 80’s football violence and institutionalised racism with brutal honesty and transparency.

MC Flux, is a top drum and bass MC, a UK pioneer in this type of dance music. Inspired in his teens by reggae, back in the 80s he became Youth Champion of the Reggae Young Sounds competition. Talent spotted for top clubs, he was soon the MC of choice for raves such as Innovation, Desire, Dreamscape, World Dance, Innocence and Helter Skelter.

He even formed his own clothing company. Flux has spent plenty of time on the dark side and dicing with the law – he has often been in the front line during violent clashes at soccer matches, and his involvement with drugs led to prison sentences for drug possession and violent disorder. This is his raw, colourful story, written with the help of his close friend Peter Spence, better known in the dance world as Pete Nice.

Vivid and explicit, this is not a story for the faint-hearted.

“It’s the sort of book that should be picked up for a film, or a gritty BBC drama.” (DJ Mag)

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