Gabbie Flowers and the Key to the Universe : Dianne Caplin

Gabbie Flowers and the Key to the Universe

Gabbie Flowers and the Key to the Universe : Dianne Caplin

Gabbie Flowers and the Key to the Universe : Dianne CaplinGabbie Flowers and the Key to the Universe

Eleven year old Gabbie Flowers never imagined that winning the school mural contest would turn into a nightmare. She knew her friend could be mean, but Gabbie never thought her friend had the power to make Gabbie’s favorite things – like flying through the night sky with her invisible friend, Samuel, and visiting her mother in Heaven – come to a crashing halt.

Samuel holds the key that can put the bullying to rest, but due to Gabbie’s fear, she can no longer see him. Desperate, he must find a way to get her attention before he and the key disappear from her life – forever!

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