The Generosity of Strangers : Thomas E. Antonaccio

The Generosity of Strangers

The Generosity of Strangers : Thomas E. Antonaccio

The Generosity of Strangers : Thomas E. AntonaccioThe Generosity of Strangers: When War Came to Fornelli

The Generosity of Strangers: When War Came to Fornelli chronicles the real life experiences of a young girl and her family in Italy in the 1940s.  The story is set in the town of Fornelli–a tiny hilltop community in Italy’s mountainous heart.

For Lucia and her family, life in Fornelli before the war is anything but boring.  There are fields to work and animals to care for.  Life is difficult, yet tranquil.  But soon the war comes, and life in Fornelli is tranquil no more.

The Generosity of Strangers is an accounting from the eyes of Lucia about faith, hope, and courage in the midst of war and its aftermath.  it shows us how even in dark, desperate times, people can open their hearts and rise above adversity.


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