Born To Beagle : Kenneth Brown
A dog stands by us faithfully showing honesty, loyalty and integrity. These are the kind of traits that should be commonplace in the world in which we live, and there was a time in American history when these things were the rule and not the exception.
Perhaps this is one of the reasons why I have spent my lifetime more so in the company of dogs where there is no pretense, animosity or hatred; only love and acceptance in their world. This is why we find them so endearing and so often yet fail to learn from their example.
Born To Beagle is a comprehensive journey into my 40 plus years as a Beagler having been blessed with some of the best beagles in American history. For over four decades I have worked at the forefront of breeding, raising and training my own strain of beagles that hunt, run and sound the way that I always demanded from my hounds.
After many years of running with the beagle pack, I felt it was high time to share some of my many adventures and highlights from a colorful lifetime spent with my beagle family. Every chapter is an informative narrative pertaining to some of the best hounds and their many exploits and adventures afield.
Beagling is the greatest field sport that I have ever known. So sit back, relax, and go with me as we venture forth into the woods, field, and swamp with some of the best beagle hounds that, as my Uncle Claude would say, “ever growed hair.”