What Would You Do If There Was Nothing You Had To Do? : Winslow Eliot

What Would You Do If There Was Nothing You Had To Do?

What Would You Do If There Was Nothing You Had To Do? : Winslow Eliot

What Would You Do If There Was Nothing You Had To Do? : Winslow EliotWhat Would You Do If There Was Nothing You Had To Do?

Practices to create your life the way you want it to be: If you’ve ever wondered about your soul’s purpose and what in the world makes you happy, you may find your answer by taking this journey.

Using a wide variety of wisdom sources, including Hawaiian Huna, Sufism, Buddhism, anthroposophy, Tarot, mystical Christianity, Jungian psychology, mythology, and her own life experiences, Eliot offers you a path to self-discovery. Is it really possible to create your life the way you want it to be?

Take this journey into a world that is original, daring, lighthearted, and wise and you’ll discover that it is.

WINNER Indie Excellence Book Awards – self-help / spiritual

FINALIST Next Generation Indie Book Awards – self-help

FINALIST Indie Excellence Book Awards – new age nonfiction

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