The Legend of Sasquatch : William T. Prince
The Legend of Sasquatch
In this action-packed character novel, Sasquatch is not the mythical creature rumored to haunt the forests of North America. He is a young Texan named Clint Buchanan (pronounced “Buck Hannon”) who prowls the streets of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex in the late-1970s.
Clint seems to have it all–herculean size and strength, polymathic intelligence, shy yet magnetic personality, manly good looks, and the charm to seduce any woman he wants. Still in his teens but already the size of Jimmy Dean’s “Big Bad John,” the similarities do not end there. Trouble seems to follow Clint, and a combination of bad choices, bad timing, and bad luck has tragic results.
One reviewer has said that “the Legend of Sasquatch is a great study of the human psyche and all its complexities–morality, justice, passion, friendship, violence, and love.”
Another said that “Prince takes the reader on a surprisingly engrossing journey through the depths of the human psyche. . . . [He] paints a vivid picture of the complex task of simply finding one’s own place in the world, regardless of our mental, physical, or emotional status, and as a result, his well-crafted tale is one to which readers of all ages and backgrounds are sure to relate.”
Find out for yourself. Join this behemoth as he faces the life-changing and character-defining events of his late adolescence with a colorful supporting cast that includes his girlfriend Dani and devoted buddies Milton, Tom, and Hulk.
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