Whizbuzz Social Media Accounts
Our book and publishing related social media accounts, totaling over 600,000 real followers, are used to notify users of new books published on Whizbuzz Books.
Schedules and accounts of Whizbuzz Books social media book promotion
The list of social media accounts below, are used by Whizbuzz Books to promote submitted book titles.
Some accounts repost on a regular basis, while other accounts are used only on the day of publication.
Each reposting account works from an active queue, which comprises all of the books that are eligible for promotion. In other words, all of the books that are within their period of 356 days of promotion.
The queue for each account is exactly the same, but the schedules and posting order for each individual account are applied using different formulas. This ensures that posting of the books in the active queue is spread evenly across our various accounts.
Depending on the number of books in the active queue at any given time, each schedule is adjusted to ensure that a regular frequency of social media postings is maintained for every eligible book.
Our accounts, follower totals and scheduling details.
Primary Reposting Accounts
Whizbuzz posting schedule. Every 42 t0 60 minutes.
Indie Elf posting schedule. Every 42 t0 65 minutes.
Reader Writer posting schedule. Every 60 t0 90 minutes.
Whizbuzz Facebook Page
Whizbuzz Facebook posting schedule. Every 42 t0 60 minutes.
February The Fifth posting schedule. Every 120 t0 145 minutes.
Scribe Now posting schedule. Every 120 t0 145 minutes.
Secondary Posting Accounts
Whizbuzz Pinterest posting schedule. Once to 2 boards on day of posting.
Linkedin posting schedule. Once on day of posting.
Tumblr posting schedule. Once on day of posting.
WordPress posting schedule. Once on day of posting.
The details and services above are indicative only and are subject to change without notice.
Social Media and Traffic Statistics for Whizbuzz Books