The Kota: Book 1 : Sunshine Somerville

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The Kota: Book 1 : Sunshine Somerville

The Kota: Book 1 : Sunshine SomervilleThe Kota: Book 1 (expanded version)

The future is an ugly place, but we are not left without hope. Still, what is society supposed to make of ancient prophecies, Warrior children, swirling Signals, time-traveling Bearers, and an inescapable Virus?

For Trok, these Kota prophecies mean little until the day comes when he is called to be the Marked children’s guardian. With Trok’s guidance, these four children must answer destiny’s call to fight the Dominion, an evil tyranny controlling the virus.

Watching through time, Trok sees the bigger purpose behind all that happens, but how everything comes together surprises even him.

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