Chain of Title : Robyn Roze
Chain of Title
Good men can be bad.
Bad men can be good.
Sometimes…they’re just bad to the bone.
Shayna Chastain has ended her marriage and is ready to move forward with her life. That’s hard to do when your ex wants you back and your angry daughter has taken his side. However, Shayna rediscovered herself during the separation, and she isn’t easily persuaded. She’s entered a new stage of her life, and she’s enjoying her freedom.
Now Sean Parker, the new younger man in her life, is determined to make sure she doesn’t look back. Their attraction is instant but the fallout will last a lifetime. Ultimately, their chance encounter will not only change Shayna’s life, but will have a profound effect on those closest to her. As Sean and Shayna fall deeper, secrets surface that will ultimately have far-reaching, deadly consequences.
How well do you know the people you love?
Even the one’s you’ve known most of your life…
**Mature themes and content for readers 18+**
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